
Completed more than 2000+ remote sessions

As the world becomes heavily invested in technology, SeshPloy aims to provide quick, effective, and affordable technical support to all types of users. We strive to meet the needs and expectations of all clients who require remote technical support across various regions. 


Meet our Crew

Our team is fully qualified in marketing, strategy, collaboration, and problem-solving capabilities.



John has an extensive background in the IT sector for more than 15 years in the US and noticed there is a critical missing component for users having accessible and quality technical support. John created ServerSesh to fix this very problem, and made it his sole purpose to ensure that all users are able to have easy, quick, and quality access to technical support respective of their location.



Amit has worked with various IT companies for the past 8 years in the UK. As an experienced technical support specialist in previous roles, Amit has developed key skills to help understand current IT needs for members of the public. Along side John and as the co-founder of ServerSesh, Amit aims to help isolate IT pain-points serving a dynamic customer base.


ServerSesh Values

Our main priorities and values that we hold with the utmost pride and respect in our day to day working environment 



We strongly believe in complete transparency with both our clients and employees.



We as a team are fully committed to providing the utmost premium technical server support to all clients.



Our passion is our work, and that conveys through the quality and care we put in each support sesh service.



Our products and services are undertaken with the highest care and professionalism.

Eco Conscious

Eco Conscious

We follow industry eco standards and take the necessary precautions to lower our carbon footprint as best as possible.

Get A Free Session On Us

Includes a full diagnostic report and remote support session.

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